Friday, February 04, 2011


Oh be careful what you wish for...we all know that. "Please let me learn how to be patient" translates into being stuck in the line at the bank for 45 minutes and "I wish I didn't have to go to work today" morphs into a car accident.

I get that.

But still I wish...

I think that wishing is a sign that I still have faith. I have faith that good things are possible - and I have at least a small hand in guiding goodness my way.

So I got this fancy pants wish bracelet years ago. I sat in my bedroom, all alone at night, surrounded by an amazing kid, a great job, and an abundance of friends. Sadly though, no partner. "Alrighty wish bracelet" I said, rolling up my sleeves. "Give me a girlfriend". And since I wanted to be clear I made sure to ask for the OPPOSITE of my awesomely disappointing ex. "Please let her be madly in love with me, head over heels. I want PASSION". And so POOF! The wish was set in motion. Months go by and I in fact begin dating. And true to my wishes she was seriously in love. I was showered with gifts, treated to romantic getaways, and never for one second doubted her feelings. I hadn't been specific enough in my wish, however, because this woman lived a million miles away and would never leave her family. And the relationship ended after a wonderful few years and a horrible many months.

Ever optimistic, I tried again. "Oh mighty wish bracelet! I was too careless in my wishing! How I would really love to have a girlfriend in the same city! And yes, wish bracelet, I know relationships are hard, but let me find a girl worth the fight!"

And with a silent but mighty POOF I tied it to my wrist.

Many months later comes the most amazing woman. Blissful time together zoom by and suddenly I am in the middle of struggles. She was absolutely worth the fight...but she did not agree that I was.



So I am thinking of my new wish...what should it be? Maybe just to be satisfied making dinner for an amazing little guy, having a good book on my lap, and great friends for fun times. Let's see how the wish fairy screws that up.